Molly is now smiling in response to our smiles, which is amazing! She always smiled as a newborn, but it was more because of gas or a dream. But, now it is actually a response to us talking to her and smiling at her. Especially when you tap her nose -she giggles in response. I noticed her first smiles on March 15th. I am trying to keep track of little things like this, so I don't forget!!
At her doctor's appt this month, they said everything looked great!! She is now 11 lbs 1.5 oz, 23 inches tall, and her head is at 39 1/2 cm or about 15 1/2 inches. This puts her in the 70th percentile for weight, 75-90th for height, and 75th for her head circumference. We have a growing little girl!!
She got 2 shots and one oral vaccine. She did great! She cried of course, but then Brandon picked her up to comfort her, and she immediately calmed down. She slept on the car ride home, I fed her, and then she slept a good portion of the day. When she woke up from her nap she was really fussing, and I could tell she was sore and just didn't feel well. So, I just took advantage of time with her, and just held and comforted her, and let her rest on my chest. Even though I hated she didn't feel well, I LOVE those moments when she naps peacefully on my chest. I just lay back and stare at her and listen to all her precious sleeping noises.
Overall she is eating and sleeping great! She has had a few long stretches of sleeping at night, but they begin around 6pm, which means she is up around 2 or 3 am. But that is ok. We will get a better schedule eventually. I am not worried about it. She is still eating every 2.5 to 4 hrs unless she is having one of her long stretches of sleep. If she is awake she tends to go a shorter amount of time. We are offering her 4 oz at every feeding, and most of the time she takes all of it, but she still will only sometimes take 2 or 3 oz. I am thankful that she tells us when she has had enough, because I don't want to overfeed her.
She is getting better at dealing with her gas. That is what made her the most fussy as a newborn. But she is a little better at burping now after a feeding, even though sometimes we have to work at it, and she is a champ at passing gas! My little girl is not a lady - LOL :)
We started playtime this month too. Since we were having longer stretches of her being awake and happy, I pulled out her play mat and let her go to town kicking her legs and checking out everything around her. We also spend a lot of time on blankets on the floor playing, and just letting her explore her voice and environment. Of course her canine sister, Chelsi LOVES to come and give her kisses still whenever she has a chance - and the floor gives her the best opportunity :)
Overall Molly is a wonderful baby. Every baby is going to have their fussy moments, but hers are minimal. There was a stretch around 6 weeks, where it seemed every night around 5 or 6pm, she would scream for an hour, and nothing would calm her, but she seems to have worked herself out of that phase. Now she is actually the most fussy right before going down for a long stretch of sleep. She fights sleep some, and so we just rock her and she eventually calms down. Brandon loves to walk around with her and sing to her. It is so wonderful to watch. I love holding her anytime I can, but I almost love more watching him with her.
We get together with family whenever we can. Grammy and/or G-Pop see her about every week, and Maw-Maw and Paw-Paw about every two weeks. It is also wonderful to see her with her grandparents, and watch them interact with her. Her cousins, Ashlyn and Weston are adorable with her. Ashlyn is especially smitten, and keeps asking, along with Aunt Jana when I will let them keep her for a night! :) In time I keep telling them :) I am not ready quite yet to be away from her that long!
I have had some outings away from her, and she has also started to go into the church nursery so that we can enjoy service and not worry about her crying. Mommy's real test is coming soon though, and sooner than she would have liked! Molly starts daycare on Monday, April 4th, and I go back to work on Thursday, April 7th. I figured this way, it gives me 3 days to get used to the idea before I am thrown into the thick of work. I know she will do great, and will be well taken care of, but it will still be hard!
Molly's facial expressions still amuse us - she has so many funny faces!! And we are enjoying every moment with her!!
The 2 month photo :)
Look at those fat rolls!!! I could just eat them up :)
Such a pretty girl!